How to cancel my order?
If I place my order and I want to cancel it, how do I proceed?
When you place your order and want to cancel it, there are 3 ways: via the customer service telephone number: (+34) 957 858 633 or via email to To cancel your order you need to provide the order reference number or the email address you used to place your order. Our customer service team will take care of the cancellation of the order.
Does it cost anything to cancel my order?
There is no charge for cancelling your order. The cost of cancelling an order is the cost of transport if the order you wish to cancel has already left the warehouse.
When I cancel my order, when do I receive my refund?
When you cancel your order, the refund takes approximately 24-48 working hours. The money is refunded in the same form of payment with which it was paid. In the case of payment by cash on delivery, your order will simply be cancelled.
How do I proceed if my order has arrived defective or broken?
It is advisable that once you receive your order, check that everything is correct and in perfect condition. If you do not agree with the state of the products, sign and indicate on the delivery note that the carrier will provide you with the anomalies that you found when you received your order. We recommend that you keep the original packaging until the incident has been dealt with.
After carefully checking the status of your order, contact our incidents department as soon as possible. You can do this through our telephone number: (+34) 957 858 633 or via email to Our department will tell you the steps to follow to resolve the incident as quickly as possible.
Warranty claims and lack of conformity
To claim for the lack of conformity of the product, the consumer can contact the manufacturer of the product. In the European Union, the minimum period of warranty is generally established in 2 years. The Spanish law improves that period and establishes a general period of 3 years from the date of purchase for the problem to become apparent. Most of the manufacturers which AITHINGS.STORE resells have a default 3 years manufacturer warranty period.
If the defect appears during the first 6 months after delivery of the good, it is presumed that the anomaly already existed at the time of purchase and the consumer does not have to prove anything. However, when the lack of conformity becomes apparent after 6 months and in doubtful cases, the manufacturer may require an independent expert report at the consumer's expense in order to process the warranty.
During the time that the consumer is deprived of the product, the calculation of the guarantee period is suspended: for example, if the repair/replacement of a product takes 15 days, the guarantee period will end 15 days later than originally foreseen, the customer must prove these periods to AITHINGS.STORE by means of the delivery notes.
In the event that the manufacturer, wholesaler or distributor of a product offers a guarantee longer than the three years established by the current law, AITHINGS.STORE will only be responsible for the first three years. Once these three years have elapsed, it will be up to the customer to deal with any incident with the manufacturer or distributor of the product, AITHINGS.STORE will not be responsible for the management of this extended warranty.
The shipping costs generated by the processing of the warranty and / or RMAs of the product shall be borne by the Customer. In any case and regardless of this point, it will always be under the instructions indicated by AITHINGS.STORE, upon request and acceptance. For the purposes of the application of the warranty, the "Customer's address" shall be considered to be the address indicated on the delivery note of the original order. Any increase in delivery costs caused by a change of address must be paid by the customer, and it is always at the discretion of AITHINGS.STORE to limit the collection and/or delivery to the customer's original address indicated on the order.
What are the conditions for a return?
The legally established deadline for returns is 14 calendar days from the date of delivery to your home. It is advisable to return the goods in their original packaging. Your order will be collected at the same delivery address or at the collection address specified on the return form.
The reimbursement of the order or the new shipment as required, will be implemented when the goods are in our warehouse and have been checked by our technical team within a period of approximately 24-48 working hours. In the case of voluntary returns by the customer, which have not been caused by any incident related to the product or our services, the customer will have to bear the cost of return.
How do I proceed if the order does not meet my expectations and I want to return it?
Please follow this general procedure:
Please fill in our returns form. We recommend that you keep the original packaging for the first 15 days from the day of delivery. Please indicate the correct pick-up address on the form.
Prepare the item for collection by the carrier.
The carrier will contact you to pick up the item.
Once the goods have been received at the warehouse, the condition of the item will be checked. If everything is correct, we will issue your refund or a new shipment within 5 working days.
Can I make use of the right of withdrawal?
The withdrawal of the article must be in time, within 14 calendar days from the time of receipt of the order, starting from the day that appears on the delivery note of the transport agency.
The customer will be able to review and carry out the same tests or inspections on the articles that would be carried out in a physical shop, in order to make a final decision on their purchase. All monetary refunds will be made using the same form of payment with which the payment was initially made.
- In the case of selecting the special transport service and subsequently withdrawing from the purchase, the shipping costs will be borne by the customer once the order has left our facilities. We understand as shipping costs, the standard shipping costs and those paid for the special service.
AITHINGS.STORE will not accept returns for withdrawal by companies or organisations, only by individuals. Individuals are considered to be natural or legal persons acting outside the scope of a business or professional activity. AITHINGS.STORE will NOT accept returns for withdrawal by companies or freelancers.
What reasons cause the cancellation of the warranty?
Incomplete products, or products sent for repair in unsuitable packaging or packaging considered insufficient according to the nature of the product.
Software and/or virus problems, incorrect configuration or connection.
Damaged or faulty components due to overheating, overclocking or use of configuration or installation parameters outside the limits set by the manufacturer.
Components burnt due to overvoltage or overcurrent.
Items showing signs of tampering, scratched or damaged screws, broken, damaged or missing warranty seals or labels or any labels originally included with the item, as well as items showing any type of modification, markings or stickers not installed by the manufacturer.
Items that are scratched, banged, fractured, damaged or broken due to mishandling, improper maintenance, improper placement, improper wiring, installation errors, or that have been used for purposes other than those specified by the manufacturer of the product.
Faults or defects caused in consumable items or accessories (batteries, etc.) or accessories (cartons, manuals, software media, cables, etc.).
Excessive accumulation of dirt or foreign particles both on the outside and inside of the product, as well as products with traces or signs of having been exposed to liquids of any kind.
Defects and deterioration caused by external events, accidents, in particular electrical accidents, wear and tear and use not in accordance with the instructions of AITHINGS.STORE or the manufacturer of the product itself are excluded from any guarantee.
Products manipulated, modified or repaired by the customer or any other person not authorised by AITHINGS.STORE are also excluded.
AITHINGS.STORE is not responsible for personal information or software contained on any storage unit or media. The Customer is responsible for the data or information on the material to be repaired and for making appropriate backup copies prior to shipment to AITHINGS.STORE.
Software or hardware failures caused by additional components installed by the Customer. Infection of computer viruses by the Customer in equipment, hard disks or driver diskettes or additional software.
How can I contact AITHINGS.STORE?
If you have any doubts or suggestions, you can contact our Customer Service Department by phone: (+34) 957 858 633, by email: